Our Vision

Empower parents and schools for child’s cognitive, behavioural, emotional and mental health development through Individualized Education Program (IEP) to help every child reach their maximum potential.

Jiguar does awareness, educational and screening programs in schools and parent communities to identify all concerns in the pediatric population from newborn to 18 years of age.
We then connect the families and children with nearby therapy centers and DEIC centers whereby the services and therapies can be offered close to the families resulting in evaluation without further delays in the treatment for the child.

Jiguar does awareness, educational and screening programs in schools and parent communities to identify all concerns in the pediatric population from newborn to 18 years of age.
We then connect the families and children with nearby therapy centers and DEIC centers whereby the services and therapies can be offered close to the families resulting in evaluation without further delays in the treatment for the child.

Jiguar understands the urgent need of detecting the concerns in children. Late detection increases the severity of their conditions which affects their growth and potential. Jiguar aims to work alongside with the available government programs and compliment their services by providing an excellent pre-screening program that detects the following condition:

Developmental Delay


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Behaviour Concerns like aggression and others

Learning Difficulties

Intellectual Disability and Cognitive Concerns

Newborn Screening for delayed reflexes and milestones

Physical difficulties

Poor social communication skills

Mental Health Concerns such as Depression, Anxiety, and others

Cerebral Palsy

Speech Disorders

As per our survey, if these children with developmental delay and concerns are picked up early and given timely therapies, the severity of their concerns can be lessened or even completely treated.